Artist Alioune Diagne
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About the Artlioune
1. Tell us Alioune why you decided to become an artist?
Artlioune: I began by drawing on the notebooks of my classmates. At that time I did not have a source of inspiration and created from my inner feelings.
2. What kind of artist do you consider yourself?
Artlioune: My work is unique and does not feel to belong to any particular genre. It is what I call ‘pictoral freedom’
3. Do you have any mentors or advisors?
Artlioune: My friend and fellow painter Manel Ndoye mentors and advises me as assisted me in improving my painting techniques.
4. How is your artistic process for creating work?
Artlioune: I work by my feeling. The images come to my mind, day by day. These images come from real or imaginary moments. The colours come naturally that’s why each series is unique.A series is also called renaissance (rebirth) as it represents the reconstruction of my personal life and childhood.My inspiration also depends on my mood being each series different.
5. Name three visual artists you admire.
Artlioune: Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci and two young artists of the new generation Yann Houri of France and Manel Ndoye of Senegal.
6. Have you overcome any challenges in your career?
Artlioune: The big difficulty is having children and to be a painter at the same time. I am not free. Also, to work in parallel when there are no scheduled exhibitions.
7. Has gallery representation always been your dream or working independently been more beneficial? Or both?
Artlioune: The best is, of course, galleries with all its services (advertising, news, opportunities, public, collectors..) and it is thanks to them that you can make a name of yourself.
Artist Alioune Diagne

8. Tell us one of the weirdest or funniest moments of your career.
Artlioune: The weirdest moment was at a Dakar exhibition when a woman approached me and read the old Ethiopian language of my paintings. Everybody thought I knew the language!
9. What advice would you give to an emerging artist?
Arlioune: The advice I can give to the young artists is work hard and try to find your own style. The style is the identity of the artist and the art scene is very dense. Do not do what pleases otheres but do what they resent because art is like fashion. It is subjective and everyne has an opinion or a different critique. Never be discouraged, have patience because painting is like having a child: you must give birth, feed it and help it grow.
10. As you reflect, what has been the influencing factors in your art career?
Artlioune: Patience, determination and energy.
11. What you currently working on?
Artlioune: Currently I am working on a series of children and bicycles. Taking my paintings into a more fun direction.It is exciting!
Photos copyright by: Alioune Diagne